Sunday, January 04, 2009

I spent New Year's at the cabin fishing, sliding, and playing in the cabin. I even got to stay up past midnight but I was a little tired the next day! Wishing you all a Happy New Year!!

I hope everyone had a fun Christmas because I sure did. I love playing with all of my presents and wearing my new clothes. Mom thinks I am finally almost all caught up on my lack of sleep from the Holidays. There are a bunch of pictures below so you can see some of the Christmas Party action I had.

Christmas with Grandpa Len and the 2 other little people that were there-Sofie and Taylor

This was the closest I got to Santa-he did bring me some diapers for my babies which I really do like though so maybe he's not so bad after all.. I heard he won't be back for a whole year so I have some time to ponder on it.

The 4 rascals

Pud won my heart over by giving me some lipstick at Christmas. I liked my lipstick so much I even agreed to get my picture taken with him!
Avery, Grandma, and me. I only got to see Avery for 2 nights before Christmas but we had fun running around and playing together. It was extra fun to have the same Christmas dress as her that Grandma gave us.

Dad and I love playing Nintendo together on these cold days that we're stuck in the house

Enjoying some of our winter snow!

A hug for Daddy at the Holidazzle Parade

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