Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Heather and Jeff's Wedding

Heather and Jeff got married the last weekend of April-congratulations!!! (We're just getting around to getting some pictures.) I had a lot of fun at their wedding and was on my best behavior at the reception (thanks to Grandma Gloria for spending the afternoon with me so I could get an extra long nap in).
My cousin Dylan was the world's cutest "ring boy". He had some cute spikey hair, new glasses, and a nice "black suit". He even made it down the aisle. He will be making his next appearance at cousin Ben's wedding this summer. I can't wait for some more dancing!
Dylan's pondering...should I take the rings up to Heather and Jeff or not?????

Here I found some "chocolate" now if I could just figure out how to open it.

Finally I can get down and dance!!

It's getting a little late but I'm not giving up yet.
Okay, I'm really tired but not too tired for dancing. My aunt and uncles are getting a good laugh at Aunt Katie's dancing moves. She's really good at the air guitar!

Auntie Brit went to prom with Dr. Phil the same day as the wedding. I'm still asking mommy about Phil from Saturday nights babysitting. If he would go back to the short hair it might be a little easier to be on the same floor of the house as him.

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