helping myself to lunch watering my new christmas tree with Dad is hard work cheese! I still spend a large portion of my play time on my "beep beep" book time in my birthday suit my best cheeseburger face I finally figured out how to flip open mom's phone, something I've been wanting to do for many months we put on our game faces for this pic I think I'm in a little daze here
I'm keeping busy babbling these days. My favorite phrases are "where's the baby?" and "where's the baba?". Some of my newest words are "good girl", "eeww", "naughty", "please" and "thank you"
my little lady bug costume and me eating my first halloween wrapper and of course the treat great grandma Marge gave me lots of good treats-including my favorite treat of all, apples i've never seen a pumpkin like this before-cool grandma! gavin and i aren't too happy about uncle spiderman (brent) with cousin spiderman (dylan) the puppy and the bug